Stranger in a Strange New World: How Newcomers Become Old Timers to Contribute to Their Jewish Community in Europe?
Language: English

Session: In this session, I shall lead a discussion of some of the challenges that expats and other immigrants have in connecting, collaborating and coordinating their involvement in a new Jewish community when they have come from elsewhere.

Bio: Professor Joe Goldblatt is the chair of fund raising for the new Edinburgh Jewish Cultural Centre in Edinburgh, Scotland. He previously served as chairman of the Edinburgh Jewish Dialogue, an organisation dedicated to fostering understanding and growth in the Edinburgh and Scottish Jewish community. He is a retired University Professor with 40 years teaching and leadership experience and is the author and co author and editor of over 37 books in the field of events management. He and his family (wife and son) moved to Scotland from the USA in 2007 and he quickly became involved in the Jewish community. Currently he serves as a board member for the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities and is the founder of the successful Jewish Objects for Education in Scotland (JOES Boxes) programme that brings Jewish education to local schools throughout Scotland.